Video Ad Campaigns :
1. What does Video Ad marketing means ?
Video Ads are the type of videos which will promote the products of their brands in multiple streams to get a large engagement and business to their products.
If a photo’s worth a thousand words, then how much more valuable is video? That’s the basis of video marketing, a forward- facing marketing strategy that integrates engaging video into your marketing campaigns.
Video marketing can be used for everything from building customer rapport, to promoting your brand, services or products. Additionally, video marketing can serve as a medium to present how-to’s, promote customer testimonials, live-stream events and deliver viral (entertaining) content.
2. How Video Marketing works ?
On the surface, the how of video marketing is pretty simple: Your brand creates videos that, in some way or another, promote your company, drive sales, raise awareness of your products or services, or engage your customers. In practice, it’s a little more complicated. Like many of your marketing efforts, video marketing is data driven, so you’ll want to monitor various metrics and track customer engagement.
To develop your video marketing strategy, you’ll want to:
- Allocate resources. You’re going to need to designate some budget for video – at the least, decent equipment, good editing software, and a video marketing guru (or, better, team) – as well as time to create it.
- Tell your stories. Storytelling has never been as important as it is in video, so get brainstorming: What stories do you want to tell? How will you tell them?
- Engage. It’s not enough to simply tell your stories; you must engage your audience while you do so. How will you make your stories interesting? What will hook your audience?
- Keep it short. There’s no set length for marketing videos (although there are recommendations), but the general rule is that shorter is better. Be ruthless with your editing. Cut, cut, cut out everything extraneous. Attention spans are short, so make the best of what you get.
- Publish. Publish your videos far and wide – embedded in your website, uploaded to Google-owned YouTube, and on all your social media channels. Then, promote, promote, promote.
- Analyze. Track metrics and stats, to determine which videos do the best – and why.
3. Key Advantages of Video Advertising ?
Some marketers are caught in the conundrum of trying to decide whether to embark on a video advertising campaign – or wondering why they’re already doing it. Put simply, if you’re not using video as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll be left behind. Here are nine reasons :
1. Your customers are watching more video : The statistics prove that your target audience is watching video, which is probably the only benefit you need to hear: - 92% of B2B prospects consume online video
- 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day
- About one-third of shoppers will purchase a product after viewing a video ad
2. Video ads convert sales : The biggest names in online marketplaces, including Amazon and eBay, report that adding a video ad to a product description increases the chances of a shopper buying that item by up to 35%.
3. People share video. Those who view a video ad and find it interesting or valuable will share it with their followers on social media. In fact, more than 700 videos are shared by Twitter users every minute. This phenomenon can increase your video’s exposure exponentially.
4. Video ads do well among mobile users :The number of people watching videos on mobile devices continues its upward climb. One interesting statistic for companies distributing video is that 88% of short pieces, around 30 seconds, are watched through to the end on mobile. The same isn’t true for those viewing the ad on a computer.
5. Video is an excellent format for informing and educating : Because it incorporates audio and visual elements that appeal to multiple senses, video ads perform as well as educational tools. They’re especially effective when used for product demonstrations or in as How-To guides, as viewers can actually see how certain things work or learn a new skill.
6. Search engines love video : The biggest search engine companies put a priority on video content when making tweaks to the algorithms that present certain sites higher on the rankings page. Distributing videos via social media, posting them on blogs and embedding them on your website increases the likelihood that your target audience will find you when searching for relevant information.
7. A video conveys huge amounts of information in a short time : You can say more in a shorter amount of time on video as compared to text. Video is more engaging to the senses, so it can convey more information by showing and telling at the same time.
8. Video tells your story better than other formats. The emotional impact of video ads is significant. You make a more solid personal relationship when you’re storytelling through sight and sound, connecting a viewer’s emotions to your product or service.
9. Analytics are telling :The primary video sites, including Facebook and YouTube, include features that enable you to see how your content performs. Knowing the views, shares, likes and social interactions can help you plan future campaigns, which makes your content more effective at reaching your target audience.
4. What makes a great Video Ad ?
A great video ad should, with a few exceptions, meet the following criteria:1. It grabs the eye in the first few seconds.
In an increasingly busy online world, you must work hard to grab attentions. A video advert should use the first 3 precious seconds to draw your audience in with something inherently eye-catching.
2. It keeps viewers invested with an emotional core.
Your ad should offer something valuable, otherwise viewers won't waste their time. Appeal to their emotions — be entertaining, inspiring or educational.
3. It's tailored specifically to the audience.
One of the key benefits of video ads is how carefully you can target them. Make sure you're tailoring your content to your target audience's state of mind and stage in the marketing funnel.
3. It has a clear Call-to-Action.
Don't waste the goodwill you've built up. Make it clear what you want your viewers to do after watching your ad, and easy for them to do it. Encourage them get involved!
5. It's no longer than it needs to be.
Yes, these days a lot of successful ads are several minutes long. But they still need to be punchy and concise. Take as long as you need to communicate your message and no longer.
Conclusion :
Video advertising is becoming more and more affordable and widespread. Video adoption grows partly because advances in technology but also because it’s easy to spread across the globe. Making marketing videos for your business requires creativity and knowledge of human psychology. The cocktail of these components makes it possible to create real miracles of advertising at minimal cost.
Emotionally charged, creative video advertising can be spread on the Internet in a matter of days, getting millions of views. And this is the whole point of video marketing: the only creative survive!
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