Google Ads and Campaigns.

                    Google Ads and Campaigns. 

   1.  What is google Ads ?

       Google Ads is a google online advertisement program, the 
program  allows you to create online ads to reach audience that are 
interested in the products and services you offer. The google ads 
platform runs on pay per click ( P P C ) advertising you have to pay 
every time a visitor clicks your ad.

Let's Face it :

  Getting the organic traffic to your website is hard. 
There's tons of competition for keywords, social media is now a pay 
to play space and voice search is throwing a wrench in everything 
S E O related.

* About 90.46% of the search engine market share world wide.

* Google has market value of $ 739 Billion.

* An average person conducts 3 - 4 Searches every single day.

Types of Google Ads :

1. Google ads smart bidding.

2. Google gallery Ads.

3. Expanded audience segments.

4. Integrated Ad campaigns with Google Lens.

5. Google video Ads and video searches.

Benefits of Google Ads :

. Google massive reach.

. capabilities that allows for a range of targeting.

. Harness intent.

. Maintain full control of your campaign at all time.

. Bring any budget to the table.

. See results laid out in an easy to understand format in Google ads.

. Get quicker results than with SEO .

. Build brand awareness.

. Earn more conversions.

. Maximize R O I with different bidding strategies.

1. Google massive Reach ( 5 billion searches per day ) :

Google has elevated itself beyond a brand to a verb and that's 
because when people have a  question that needs answering their 
first stories is usually "Google" .

people looking for solutions to problem that your business can offer. 
If they've ever used the internet chances are they are the google the 
answer to something and if you can help them to find answer.

2. Capabilities that allow for a range of targeting :

 Another powerful technique for adding to your customer base a bidding on long tail keyword search terms like.

" Accounting software for a freelancer marketing these are generally less expensive and they're worth it for capturing  the attention of people who are looking for exactly what you offer . 

3. Harness Intent :

The biggest difference between the people you are reaching with google ads on the people you are reaching with the other forms of advertising is their intent.

Using Ad let prospect come to you then people help them in finding answers and you'll position yourself to earn their business when they're ready to pull out their wallet.

4. Maintain full control of your campaign at all the times.

You used to have  to jump hurdles and bust through thick red tape to run ad campaign that reach as many people as ads can beginning and ending those campaign would take time and resources that could be better used elsewhere.

on the other hand buying ad space with software also known as 
" programatic Advertsing " is easy. For even properly trained employee to do. With some education they'll able to start and stop campaign reach the right people for the right price and do it all simultaneously. 

5. Bring any budget to the table.

Winning a click can cost some business of hundreds of dollars in the legal industries there are long tail keywords reaching around $1000 per click.

You can also decide how much you want to spend each month and the adjust the budget based on the performance graph when an ad is performing extremely well you can  increase the ad spend on its increases the desire result. 

6. See the results laid out in an easy to understand format in         google ads :

Luckily google makes everything straight forward and easy to understand. Find out basic information like clicks impressions keyword budget etc. or get even more granular with google analytics integration. It allows you to see exactly how visitors are behaving on your website right down to what you they clicked where they went next and how long they are spending there.

7. Get quicker results than with S E O :

Search engine optimistaion is still the back bone of most highly visited sites. The post and pages you see on one page are not just well written with carefully research keywords, they're also on sites that have a massed a large number of back links overtime.

when you get started with google through your chance of leap frogging all the organic results on a search engine result pages grow exponentially and it grows easier too. There is no endless search for link that will bump your page up just a little bit. 

8. Build brand awareness :

when people hear google ads they think most driving traffic through pay per click ads on search engine results page. But google ads are more versatile than that. They can also be a great tool for building brand awareness something that research shows is what the highest performing marketers priortize.

Through the ad search network even if potential customer aren't clicking they see your brand, your Tagline what you offer and whatever else you can you use your copy and extensions to showcase and through the ads display network you can even priortise brand awareness by choosing to show your ad to more people. 

9. Earn more Conversions :

When google decides which ads get soon by browsing prospects. they take post clicking landing page experience into account.According to ad words support page but even to get your ads seen on google network you'll need a highly persausive post per click landing pages behind them. And you a build highly persausive post click landing pages you'll maximize ad spends because of two things in particular.

. Message Match

. Focused Design

10. Maximize ROI with different bidding strategies :

A persausive post click landing page built to appear google isn't only thing that will maximize you advertise with R O I. To help you reach specific marketing goals while draining your budget the least the ads team has created several different bidding strategies.

. C P C bidding : which google recommends if your goal is to 
drive your website traffic.

. CPM Bidding : Which stands for  " Cost per thousand viewable impressions " is what google recommends if you're trying to build brand awareness with the strategy you choose an amount of money 
you're willing to pay for 1,000 people to see your advertisement in full view. its only available on the googles display network not the search network.

. CPA Bidding :  Which google recommends advertiser use when they're focused on conversion like signups or purchases if your google is on action further down the funnel like a click or a conversions you can bid for that and google will cut down on spreading your ad to the masses and instead it shows it to people who will be more likely to Convert.

Why to Use Google ads ?

* The network has something for business of all sizes with different budgets and different advertising goals. Different target audience most of whom used google at least once in their life too find answers to problem. 

       " So in sea of seeming endless searches " 2+ trillion searches     
              Why wouldn't you drop a bucket in to see how much                          revenue could you bring up....




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